Thursday, March 22, 2007

Good People, Good Times

Just home from dinner with friends: Darren (who proudly announced he'd purchased his first-ever hip-hop CD - this from Mr Indie-Boy, a big step indeed), Glen, who I haven't caught up with since he went to Mardi Gras, and his new bf. All rather lovely.

Slept through the heat of the day after presenting SmartArts this morning, only to step outside this evening to discover it was still 33 degrees. Ick - where's autumn when you need it? The equinox was only yesterday, so I can't expect we'll immediately be plunged into crisp mornings and chilly nights, but dammit, we could at least have a hint of appropriate chill in the air.

The last few weeks have seen me too busy to blog properly, which always makes me feel guilty. I don't know why, it's not like I have to blog, although I do enjoy leaving an electronic trail of my life and experiences for future biographers, should my life ever warrant such interest (unlikely, I posit, but a boy can dream).

Have just had a quick whip-through some of my fellow bloggers recent posts, and am heartened to see that many of us share the same sense of optimism over Howard's recent poor form and the forthcoming but as yet undeclared federal election. No doubt the rodent will pull some trick or another to try and win another term, but at this stage, it would certainly appear that Rudd and Gillard (go Julia!) are set to make significant advances at the election, even if they don't actually win government. Bring it on!

I've fallen behind on my MQFF updates but promise to catch up in the next few days.

I still don't know what I'm putting on the cover of MCV next week, god help me, and I really should know at least two weeks in advance. This Editor malarky takes a bit of getting used to.

I've announced my decision to quit writing Beat magazine's Art of the City column as of four weeks' time as I really just don't have the time to be able to do it justice; ditto the two panels I sit on at the National Gallery of Victoria.

I doubt it will take me long to find something else to do with my time, though. I really must learn to say no!


Anonymous said...

come to think of it, i have bought a few hip hop cds in the past - i used to be really into dj shadow and unkle etc. lupe is probably the first rap cd i've ever bought?

Anonymous said...

This weather is really doing my head in. I could really go for a snap snowstorm right about now.

Desci said...

Regarding your decision to leave Beat: You will be missed! I've loved reading your columns over the last few months. xo

Evol Kween said...

D'oh! I really like your Art of the City column.